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Jim and Rox at home in their garden in Appletree, Levittown

Meet Jim and Roxanne Wilson 

     Rox and I will be married 49 years next May. We hitchhiked to California and back to Pennsylvania before having children. We have two boys and three girls and eleven grandchildren. All of them are raised within a neurotransmitter genetic science defined in the “Guest Opinion Column”. My third fax to Dr. Roman explains why no medical supplements are necessary. 

     The purpose of “Cabbages and Kings” is to provide answers which put you into a personal training process. The unused portions of our brains are a womb we activate to give birth to ourselves and become what Jesus promised at the end of time. 

     There is one life form in the universe. Humanity is a separate kingdom for a specific purpose. If the next level of evolution does not manifest here, we are mass destructed for polluting Earth to death. 

     Perceiving the first spirit creature Father created as God is different than relating to our Creator Himself. Confusion about that issue combined with advanced technology and atrophied the ability to evolve. For that reason, our interdimensional ancestors have rules governing humanity’s separate status. 

     When Governor Tom Wolf recommended legalizing recreational marijuana, a news story had Dr. Roman saying growing weed should be permitted for medicinal purposes. The doctor sees how his prescriptions help patients without knowing about the implications of Hubble math. 

     I was a leading mathematician in college and followed the “Unified Field Theory” after graduation in ‘68. When I saw interdimensional technology demonstrated before my eyes, I knew what it meant. Though we are often at odds with each other, they have accepted me as a human spiritual leader. I can complain and make recommendations into their legal system. 

     Rox and I have twelve “Jim and Roxanne Double Frisbee” Youtube videos where you can see us in action. The Neurotransmitter Science keeps us young. 

     I had a column in a TV news magazine in ‘82 and wrote my initial manuscript in ‘78. I’ll fill you in on documentation of events weekly in “Cabbages and Kings”. 

Guest Opinion Column


     There’s a technology gap looming over our horizon. It affects the quality of everyone’s existence. Information relevant to the human situation is being passed over by those doing too much number crunching. 

     My wife and I caught the tail end of the Harvard Consciousness research. Our segment dealt with the therapeutic application of neurotransmitters. Its purpose was to tap into the unused portions of the brain while going about our everyday routine. 

     The earlier research studied the biological effects of altered states. We used Kirlian photography to document the variations in our auras and Silva Mind Control equipment to monitor brain activity. We were all wary of possible changes in our genetic structure but felt the exploration into our hidden potential validated the risk. 

     None of us suspected the answers would come with the Hubble Telescope. The light waves which took 15 billion years to get here showed us the molecular patterns right after the “Big Bang”. So it became possible to interpret the data from our experiments knowing what the Hubble taught us. 

     An understanding of this knowledge is not as difficult as scientific publications lead you to believe. The new evidence permitted the formulation of mathematical predictions which went two levels beyond the theory of relativity. Then we confirmed the first level hypothesis with the creation of the Z particle during an experiment at the Nevada Cyclotron. 

     That did it for me. I was convinced we knew the true energy levels within the molecular structure. The Telescope was defining consciousness expansion as a genetic medical technology. The math we confirmed describes the effect of sub-atomic particle streams as they pass through the void space in our DNA code. Instead of manipulating the chemical output of our body organs, the genetic technology realigns the DNA structure into harmony with the atmosphere by working from the inside out. It’s capable of neutralizing mutagenic toxins because sub-atomic particle streams are one mathematical integration more powerful than the degradation associated with mutagenic pollution.

     It also means there’s a treasure hidden inside us. Therapeutic activation of the higher centers of the brain initiates a genetic health technology. We know how it works because we can see the beginning of time through our lens in outer space. 

     This is why I feel the technology gap is hindering the quality of our lives. When people learn the truth, they will want access to the hidden treasure which is an unexpected benefit of the most sophisticated piece of scientific equipment ever created. 

     Those on the front lines of Hubble research are probably so caught up in the wonder of their discoveries that they are not publicizing all the information relevant to the human predicament. Maybe It’s my job in this instance.

     I’m glad to be the purveyor of good news. With the way things are going, we can sure use some. 


James R. Wilson 

Fax to Dr. Matthew Roman   9/12/2020


Dr. Roman,                        


     I sent your fax messages to my mailing list with information you should know. You are under scrutiny for your beliefs without realizing how Hubble math backs your theories. 

     Activating higher centers initiates sub-atomic particle streams which realign DNA so our organs produce all needed chemicals naturally. It's preferable to popping pills which inhibit body organ function by producing chemicals artificially.  

     People without access to neurotransmitter training shoot babies up with drugs which can atrophy development. Deciding when those drugs aren’t necessary requires serious research. Mentalities believing everything is perfect already deny scientific evidence to maintain their power structure by dictating truth. 

     They didn’t know about being held accountable at sub-atomic levels. You are caught in the middle of vicious ignorance which serves the source of terrorism. 

     Father wants us to become what Jesus promised. We do so by activating higher centers religiously. 

     The paper on “Psychobiology” was written as a term paper in ‘96. We’re better defined now. We’d like to speak with you. 


James R. Wilson

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